What is the role of agricultural magnesium sulfate

Magnesium sulfate is also known as magnesium sulfate, bitter salt, and epsom salt. Generally refers to magnesium sulfate heptahydrate and magnesium sulfate monohydrate. Magnesium sulfate can be used in industry, agriculture, food, feed, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers and other industries.


The role of agricultural magnesium sulfate is as follows:

1. Magnesium sulfate contains sulfur and magnesium, the two major nutrients of crops. Magnesium sulfate can not only increase the yield of crops, but also improve the grade of crop fruits.

2. Because magnesium is a component of chlorophyll and pigments, and is a metal element in chlorophyll molecules, magnesium can promote photosynthesis and the formation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

3. Magnesium is the active agent of thousands of enzymes, and also participates in the composition of some enzymes to promote the metabolism of crops. Magnesium can improve the disease resistance of crops and avoid bacterial invasion.

4. Magnesium can also promote vitamin A in crops, and the formation of vitamin C can improve the quality of fruits, vegetables and other crops. Sulfur is a product of amino acids, proteins, cellulose and enzymes in crops.

Applying magnesium sulfate at the same time can also promote the absorption of silicon and phosphorus by crops.

Post time: May-04-2023