The degree of fertilizer absorption is related to a variety of factors.
During the plant growth cycle, plant roots are absorbing water and nutrients all the time, so after fertilization, plants can immediately absorb nutrients.
For example, nitrogen and potassium are easy to be absorbed and utilized, and the crystalline form is easier to inhale into the plant than the powder form, and some calcium, boron, ionic and minerals that are difficult to be absorbed and utilized need to be converted into a certain form before they can be absorbed and utilized.
The products produced by the new process are conducive to the absorption of fertilizers
Many fertilizers are now very soluble in water, and technology has been revolutionized. Therefore, if you use a fertilizer with a relatively high water solubility, on the day of fertilization, if the suitable environment, it can enter into the plant body. Therefore, whether the applied nutrients can be absorbed and utilized by plants is related to factors such as soil nutrient concentration and soil moisture content, temperature, fertilizer type, and fertilizer solubility.
Three forms of soil nutrient migration:
Soil nutrients migrate in three forms: interception, mass flow, and diffusion. Nitrogen is dominated by mass flow, while phosphorus and potassium are dominated by diffusion. From the perspective of soil nutrient concentration and soil water content, when the concentration is high, the number of nutrients in contact with the root system is large, and the amount of nutrients is intercepted; the concentration gradient is large, and the amount of nutrients diffused to the root surface is large; more water makes the water flow faster, and the concentration of nutrients per unit volume is high. More, the mass flow carries more nutrients, which is part of the factors that affect the speed of nutrient absorption by plants.
Attached small knowledge: nine factors that affect fertilizer absorption
1. Excessive nutrient elements affect the effect of fertilization. The lack of certain elements in plants will cause physiological obstacles and affect normal growth. However, if an element is excessive, it will affect the absorption of other elements, which will also hinder the growth of plants.
2. The pH value affects the performance of fertilizer efficiency: when the pH value is in the range of 5.5-6.5, the fertilizer effect is the best, and nutrients such as iron, copper, manganese, and zinc are the most effective when the pH value is below 6.
3. Different growth periods affect the performance of fertilizers: in the vegetative growth period, nitrogen is the main fertilizer, with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and trace elements; in the flower bud differentiation period and flowering period, phosphorus and potassium are the main fertilizers to promote root development and flowering.
4. Different physiological characteristics of plants affect fertilizer efficiency: when using special fertilizers, other types of water-soluble fertilizers should be used in conjunction with actual physiological conditions.
5. Different media affect fertilizer efficiency: soil cultivation and soilless cultivation, the fertilizer formula is different.
6. Different water quality affects the performance of fertilizer efficiency: apply acid fertilizer or soften water quality in hard water areas, and supplement calcium and magnesium fertilizers regularly in soft water areas.
7. Fertilization time affects the performance of fertilizer efficiency: the best time for fertilization is before ten in the morning and after four in the afternoon, avoid fertilizing under strong sunlight at noon, and avoid fertilizing in cloudy and rainy days.
8. The type of fertilizer affects the application of fertilizer efficiency: different flowers and different growth periods use fertilizers with different formulas, slow-release fertilizers and water-soluble fertilizers are used in combination, root application and foliar spraying are used in combination, and targeted fertilization can reduce costs. , improve fertilizer efficiency.
The imbalance of fertilizer content affects the exertion of fertilizer efficiency: scientific fertilization is to promote the absorption of each element and avoid antagonism.

Post time: Mar-25-2022