With a wide range of applications, high quality, and low cost, China’s ammonium sulfate is one of the most popular fertilizer products exported around the world. As such, it has become an essential part in helping many countries with their agricultural production. This article will discuss some key points on how this product influences global markets and where it is mainly exported to.
First off, due to its affordability and reliability as a fertilizer source for farmers worldwide, demand for Chinese ammonium sulfate continues to increase year-on-year – making it one of the most accumulated export varieties available. It also offers multiple benefits over traditional synthetic fertilizers; containing both nitrogen and sulfur which helps crops absorb nutrients more efficiently whilst simultaneously improving soil structure. Moreover, its slow release properties make it beneficial for those looking to maintain healthy soils over longer periods without needing frequent application like other fertilizers often do.

In terms of major international exports from China’s market share perspective; North America takes up nearly half (45%), followed by Europe (30%) then Asia (20%). In addition to that there are also smaller amounts being shipped out to Africa (4%) and Oceania (1%). However within each region there can be considerable differences based on individual country preferences depending on their own local regulations or climate conditions etc., so further research may be required when considering specific target markets if necessary.
Overall though we can see that Chinese ammonium sulfate has had a profound impact globally in regards to boosting crop yields while providing affordable options at the same time - ensuring sustainable agriculture practices remain viable everywhere they are needed!
Post time: Mar-02-2023